What is an Agouti Siberian Husky?

A rare and captivating wolf look-alike.

What Makes Agouti Siberian Huskies Unique?

Agouti Siberian Huskies have a distinct and beautiful fur pattern often compared to that of wild wolves. Unlike the more common husky colorations, agouti huskies feature banded hairs with multiple shades, ranging from black and gray to tan and red. This creates a rich, earthy look that is both striking and natural.

  1. Coat Color and Pattern: The agouti coat is characterized by its banded hairs, where each hair has multiple colors along the length of the hair. This gives the coat a dark, shaded look. Their masks are typically darker, and they often have cream or off-white markings on their chest and legs.

  2. Eye Color: While blue eyes are common in Siberian Huskies, agouti huskies often have darker eyes, including shades of brown, amber, or even hazel. This adds to their wild and mysterious appearance.

  3. Temperament: Agouti Siberian Huskies share the very same energetic and friendly temperament as any other Siberian Husky. They are known for their intelligence, playful nature, and loyalty to their families.

Close-up of a fluffy puppy with blue eyes, being held by a person.

Why Choose an Agouti Siberian Husky?

Halo Huskies is proud to have Agouti Siberian Husky puppies available multiple times per year.

  1. Unique Appearance: If you want a dog that stands out, an agouti Siberian Husky is an excellent choice. Their unique coat and eye colors are sure to turn heads and spark conversations. Halo Huskies offers some of the most unique Agouti Siberian Husky puppies available today.

  2. Active Lifestyle: These huskies are perfect for active families or individuals who enjoy outdoor activities. They thrive on exercise and enjoy activities like hiking, running, and playing.

  3. Companionship: Our Agouti Siberian Huskies are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They make great companions and are especially good with children and other pets.